

 Casting The Net     (後半に日本語訳があります)
 Well,I'm sure you've heard the word 'internet' plenty over the last few months. Japan's media is buzzing with talk about this exciting new medium. Wait a Ten years ago I was connecting to JANET, the UK's academicinter-university network, and, via gateways, to the American Net. The internet is not new. So why do people say it is? Two reasons one is that it is new to Japan, which happens to have been a little behind in this area, the other is that Internet has recently been commercialized.

 Is commercializing the Net really a good thing, though? Amid all the hype, what are the advantages it has to offer? Communication-that's for sure. But we already have telephones, faxes and, dare I say it, expresses delivery services. What the Net adds, which has caused all the hype, is information.

 Let's take a hard look at the Net's information, however. Firstly, is it easy to access? The answer is a resounding no. It is neither easy to access nor cheap. You have to buy a powerful computer, obtain an account with a provider, and become familiar with a number of types of software. Then you have to navigate the Net itself. Secondly, is the information you can obtain from the Net useful? Well, it can be, but in my experience to obtain useful information you have to go through a huge pile of useless information first. As yet, the Net lacks clarity: those who use it are prone to take advantage of the ease of communication it provides to broadcast trivia.

 This trivia is known in Internet jargon as 'netspam', a phrase derived from one of my favorite British comedy shows. But this raises another point: there is so much jargon on the Internet that you almost have to learn a new language to use it. And that language, although certainly a variety of English is, to return to my usual stamping ground, utterly different to the dusty old English propagated by the Mandarins of Mombusho.

 Make no mistake, I think the Internet is great (which is why I'm connected), but I think it should be taken with a grain of salt.

              "Copyright (c) 1995,1996 Paul Mason "





